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Eclipse Collage


Author: Zachary Baggett

Year: 2017

Art form: Visual Art

Grade: 3 or 6

Duration: 45 Min session


Black Paper for background Colored Paper of colors white, yellow, orange, pink, red, violet, blue Document Camera for providing instruction Visual references to the work of Andy Goldsworthy Visual refrences to total solar eclipse Visual references for color gradients


Standard 6.V.CO.2: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding by analyzing how art reflects changing times, traditions, resources, and cultural uses. Standard 6.V.CR.3: Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.


6th Grade Science: Standard 6.1.1 Develop and use a model of the Sun-Earth-Moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and seasons.

3rd Grade Standard 1 Objective 2 Describe the movement of Earth and the moon and the apparent movement of other bodies through the sky.



Introduce visual references to total solar eclipses. If students have witnessed eclipse personally, explore that experience in a class dialogue. Show the different parts of the eclipse and explain the relative motions of the sun, earth, and moon.

You may use this national geographic video as reference material:

Show images of eclipses according to ancient civilizations (resources available in "other information" section). (5 Min) Show visual references of the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy. Have students discuss the materials used in the artwork, and how they perceive that it was created. Highlight the artwork utilizing fall leaves arranged in a gradation surrounding a black circle. Point out the similarities between the gradation of leaf colors and the corona that surrounds a total solar eclipse.


Live Tour (5 Min) Show completed eclipse collage. Utilizing the document camera, do a live demonstration of creating a gradation by organizing the papers into color order according to the color wheel (Yellow, orange, red, etc). Use a tool to help make a circle (like a roll of masking tape) to trace on black paper and cut out the circle. Demonstrate tearing small pieces of paper and pasting them around a central circle. Start with white, going completely around the circle. Then move to the next colored paper (yellow) and slightly overlap the white layer, pasting paper completely


Learners will discover mathematical patterns in nature by observing the motion of celestial bodies directly Learners will reconstruct presumptions of materials used by artists by observing nature based works of Andy Goldsworthy Learners will create an artwork that utilizes the art making patterns of Goldsworthy while depicting the total solar eclipse utilizing collage techniques and their knowledge of color gradients around the circle. Next move to pink or light orange and continue this process untill the gradatient fills most of th page. Place the black circle on the center of the gradation.


Provide paint, brushes, foam shapes to tables demonstrating art readiness. Play a digital version of the Story Snowflake Bently, or read the book to the class as they work on their snowflake paintings. Circulate room and identify needed help for students. Provide individualized instruction.


Have students clean up work spaces, wash bowls and brushes. Final discussion and review of geometry in nature.


Geometric Shapes and Patterns Parts of Eclipse Motion of planets, moons and stars


How do the movements of the Earth, Sun, and Moon interact? How do we relate to nature? How do light and shadow operate? DIFFERENTIATION Several teaching strategies are used including: 1. Visual Presentation 2. Oral Lecture 3. Visual demonstration with "think aloud" processes 4. Individualized instruction 5. Tactile project creation


Great American Eclipse of 2017 Depictions of Celestial Movements in various cultures and artworks VOCABULARY Gradient/Gradation Umbra Corona ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Active Response Project Based application Nonformal observation


Russell Butler Jr- Artist who depicted solar eclipses, part scientist/part artist

Artists who have depicted eclipses

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