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Paper Bag Tree Craft

Kindergarten Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 1 Investigate living things.Objective 2 Describe the parts of living things. Identify major parts of plants, e.g., roots, stem, leaf, flower, trunk, branches.

Visual Art Standard: Strand: CREATE (K.V.CR) Students will generate artistic work by conceptualizing, organizing, and completing their artistic ideas. They will refine original work through persistence, reflection, and evaluationStandard

K.V.CR.2: Build skills in various media and approaches to art-making; use art materials, tools, and equipment in a safe way; and create art that communicates a story about a natural or constructed environment.

Author: Zachary Baggett Year: 2017 Artform: Visual Art Grade: Kindergarten Duration: 45 Min sessions

OVERVIEW Learners will use a variety of dextrous skills and tools to create a model of a tree and it's parts as it changes characteristics through the seasons.

SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES Computer with Projector Document Camera Optional Paper bags, 1 per stduent

Scissors and glue sticks for each student

Colored tissue paper. The colors should align with the expected leaf or blossom colors of the season you wish to model.



5 Min show video or pictures of trees in different seasons. You can play a game with the students to see if they can guess the season based on the tree and it's environment. Play a game of having the students name the parts of the tree, such as leaves, roots, branches, trunk. Pre assess what students know about the functions of the parts of plants.


Using a document camera, or by holding up materials high for students to see, cut the top part of a paper bag 4-5 times, starting at the open end and moving toward the bottom of the bag. Cut about half way down the bag. Circulate room and assist students.

Show students how to open bag and stand up on table. Circulate and help.

Grab the middle of the bag and twist it to make the trunk. Hold the bottom of the bag flat so that the tree can still stand. See video/pictures in lesson. Circulate and help students.

Twist each flap of paper at the top of the bag to create the branches. Circulate and help.

Show students how to stand glue stick up on end. Demonstrate taking tissue paper pieces and place on top of glue stick, then take paper and pinch to tree branches. Circulate and help the students do the same. Tissue may also be placed at the base of the tree. If doing spring blossoms, scrunch up tissue paper pieces to make blossoms.

CLOSURE/SUMMARY Have students name the parts of their trees and what they are used for.


How do living things change through time?

What do different parts of living things do?

How can I model what I learn?

DIFFERENTIATION Several teaching strategies are used including: Oral Lecture with visual imagery Live demonstration Active Participation/Response by students Individualized instruction

HISTORICAL ELEMENT Videos/ images/ or books that emphasize learning about trees.


Seasons, Plants, Roots, Trunk, Branches, Leaves, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Informal observation/ optional worksheet to have students name or label parts of their plant as well as a real plant.

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