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Eric Carle Collages


Science Standard Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 1 Investigate living things.

Compare and contrast young plants and animals with their parents.

Visual Art Standard K.V.CR.2: Build skills in various media and approaches to art-making; use art materials, tools, and equipment in a safe way; and create art that communicates a story about a natural or constructed environment.

Standard K.V.R.2: Identify subject matter and describe relevant details.

1st Grade

Science Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 2 Living things change and depend upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.Describe and model life cycles of living things.

Visual Art Standard

Standard 1.V.CR.1: Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with art materials, and use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

2nd Grade

Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.

Objective 1 Tell how external features affect an animals’ ability to survive in its environment.

Communicate and justify how the physical characteristics of living things help them meet their basic needs.

Visual Art Standard 2.V.CR.4: Repurpose objects to make something new.

Standard 2.V.CR.2: Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interest in a work of art or design.

Supplies, Equipement and Resources

The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle

Butcher Paper in assorted colors, cut to desk size length

Red, brown, blue, green recommended

Tempera Paint

Paint Pallettes or disposable plates

Paint Brushes, 1 per student

Water bowls

Drying rack or space

session 2

Cutting Board

Butcher Paper cut into small stripes around 2" x 5"

Glue Sticks


brown paper lunch sacks, cut into 3rd length wise, 1 per student

Blue paper for background cardstock recommended

Teaching and Timeline

10 Min

Display video of Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar while you set out paint supplies.

Session 1

Before class tear table sized pieces of butcher paper in assorted colors and lay out on tables in art room.

Put dollops of tempera paint on Styrofoam plates or paint palettes. Cool colored paints with cool paper tones and warm paints to go on warm colors.

After video explain how the pictures were made using cut up paper that has been painted to give texture. Explain the concept of collage. Explain that today the students will prepare the paper for the collage during next session.

Put smocks on students.

Work Time 20 Min.

Rotate around classroom and help students to paint thier butcher paper, mixing colors and covering the majority of the butcher paper.

You should end up with a variety of colors that you will need to make the collages next time. Browns,reds, yellows, greens, blues primarily.

Clean Up 5-10 Min

Session 2

Prep beforehand. Use cutting board to cut up butcher paper and organize colors. Strips should be around 2"x 6" or so. Organize the cut paper by color into bins for easy access.

Demonstration and work time 40 Min

Review vocabulary term Collage. Review the life cycle for a caterpillar. Show images from Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Demonstrate step one. On a blue background piece of paper demonstrate tearing paper to make cloud shapes and gluing them down. Rotate and help class.

Glue down brown paper for ground.

Take green piece for caterpillar and fold up. Cut off corners and unravel to show caterpillar shape. Glue down. Rotate and help class.

Using this same procedure to create fruit, twigs, leaves etc. Use oil pastel to draw in final details such as the face on the caterpillar and dirt speckles.

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