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Sunflowers like Van Gogh

TITLE: Sunflower Lesson Author: Zachary Baggett Year: 2017 Artform: Visual Art Grade: 1 or 2 Duration: 2x45 Min sessions

OVERVIEW Learners engage in art and investigate life through using the different senses. Students will categorize necessities of life and utilize new vocabulary. Learners will engage with the work of Vincent Van Gogh.

OBJECTIVES Learners will engage in sensory engagement in investigation of life forms and artwork creation. Learners will utilize new vocabulary in expressing artwork. Learners will utilize a variety of techniques to create artworks.

SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES Cardstock or water color paper 1 per student oil based clay, approximately 1 cubic inch per student Masking Tape rolls sunflower seeds or beans assorted crayons or oil pastels water color paint elmers glue mixed with black tempera paint document camera visual refernces for Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers and sunflower images or live sunflowers Water Sprayer

FINE ART STANDARDS Grade 1 Standard 1.V.CR.3: Use art vocabulary to describe choices while creating art. Strand: CONNECT (1.V.CO.) Students will relate artistic skills, ideas, and work with personal meaning and external context Standard 1.V.CO.2: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding that people from different times and places have made art for a variety of reasons.

Grade 2 Strand: RESPOND (2.V.R.) Students will understand, evaluate, and articulate how works of art convey meaning for the observer as well as the creator (Standards 2.V.R.1–3).

Standard 2.V.CR.4: Repurpose objects to make something new.

INTEGRATED STANDARDS Grade 1 Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things. Objective 2 Living things change and depend upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.

Grade 2 Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.Objective 2 Identify basic needs of living things (plants and animals) and their abilities to meet their needs.



10 Min Introduce Sunflowers, a work by Vincent Van Gogh. Introduce concept of texture and have students find various textures near where they are seated, ie smooth, bumpy, rough. Explain that Van Gogh is a famous painter, but that he was not famous in his lifetime. Have students think if they are a great artist? Do you need to sell artwork to be a great artist?

DEMONSTRATION 30 Min Provide step by step processes using document camera. Step 1 Show how to use masking tape to create a stencil of a circle in the middle of the page. Circulate and assist students. Step 2 demonstrate tactile nature of clay, stetch, pinch, roll clay to soften. Pass out clay and have students play with clay to soften it. Step 3 Show students how to break pieces of clay and place inside circle. Smoosh clay down unto paper and spread out with thumb, piece by piece until circile is filled. Step 4 Demonstrate how to place beans or seeds into clay on circle. Squish down into clay so that beans stay. Clay must be oil based, which will not dry out over time. Pass out seeds and have students apply to clay. environment to satisfy their basic needs. a. Make observations about living things and their environment using the five senses. b. Identify how natural earth materials (e.g., food, water, air, light, and space), help to sustain plant and animal life.

Step 5 Demonstarte using a crayon making pedals around the outside of the circle. Use triangular shapes that are large and rotate paper as you demonstrate drawing. Speak out loud your instructions. Have students do the same. (Use crayon or oil pastel. Outline of pedals do not need to be yellow). This is about the end of the first 45 min session. Do quick clean up, have students put names on papers and keep till next session. Session 2 Review Vincent Van Gogh, texture and parts of plant that you introduced last session. Pass out papers. Step 1 Demonstrate how to color in pedals completely, no white spots left. Use yellow oil pastel or crayon. Circulate room and assist students. Step 2 Demonstarte creating stem and triangular shaped leaves on each side of stem. Optional, also add soil, and roots. Compare to pictures of sunflowers. Circulate room and help students. Step 3 Demonstrate how to do a water color wash. Spray paper down with water sprayer until damp. Use brush and water color to quickly brush down a color all over the paper. It will not harm crayon picture. Wax and oil in crayons or oil pastels repel water. The trick is to quickly brush paint over whole picture. Use a tissue to sop up extra water. Circulate room, help 2-3 student at a time to do this. Other students can keep drawing as you circulate. Step 4 Demontarte how to take elmers glue, which you have mixed with black tempera paint and use it to outline the sunflower edges. This gives textre and visual variey to piece. Circulate and help students do the same. You will want to prepare these elmers bottles beforehand. Move to a drawing rack or table. CLOSURE/SUMMARY Review parts of plant and what living things need to survive. Review Vincent Van Gogh and texture as an element of art. Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program Integrated Arts Lesson

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do living things need to survive? What do plants need? What do people need? What makes a great artist? How can I use my senses to learn?

DIFFERENTIATION Several teaching strategies are used including: 1. Oral lecture, with direct instruction and active response. 2. Visual display, including live demonstration. 3. Individual instruction and feedback.

HISTORICAL ELEMENT Vincent Van Gogh- Sunflowers piece. Explain that Van Gogh only sold one artwork in his lifetime. Have students brain storm what attributes make a great artist.

VOCABULARY Vincent Van Gogh Texture Clay Stretch Pedals Seeds Stem Leaves Roots

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Informal observation of construction practecis. Formative assesment for understanding by verbal responses from students during discussion.

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